Pågåede postdoktor prosjekter ved Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus.

Maren Falch Lindberg, PhD, postdoktor/klinisk sykepleiespesialist, kirurgisk klinikk
Helsekompetanse: Nøkkelen til helse for personer med kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom (KOLS)
Christine Råheim Borge, PhD, postdoktor/seniorforsker, medisinsk klinikk
Hyperemesis gravidarum as a risk factor for neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring
Christine Roth, PhD, postdoktor, cand. psychol, Nic Waals Institutt
Manifestations of genetic risk and intergenerational transmission of risk for eating disorders (MoBa-Eat)
Alexandra Havdahl, PhD, postdoktor, Nic Waals Institutt
Ziada Ayorech, PhD, postdoktor, Nic Waals Institutt, Lovisenberg og Universitetet i Bristol, UK
Periconceptional use of folic acid supplements and risk of neurodevelopmental disorders
Christine Roth, PhD, post doktor, cand. psychol, Nic Waals Institutt
Understanding the development of mental disorders: How does genetic risk manifest across age, gender and environmental factors? (MoBa-Psych)
Laurie Hannigan, PhD, postdoktor, Nic Waals Institutt, Lovisenberg og Universitetet i Bristol, UK
A multiple case-study of young peoples' experience of self-harm paths into adulthood in regards of developmental disturbance, mental illness, and sociocultural involvement
Line Indrevoll Stänicke, PhD, postdoktor, Nic Waals Institutt, Lovisenberg og Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
Exploring the progression of mental illness: Identifying predictors of recovery (Recover)
Robyn Wootton, postdoktor, Nic Waals Institutt
Fra cuffartropati til skulderprotese – en multisenter RCT (CARS)
Kjersti Kaul Jenssen, postdoktor, kirurgisk klinikk
Irritabel tarm syndrom og sukrase-isomaltasemangel
Hanna Fjeldheim Dale, PhD, klinisk ernæringsfysiolog og postdoktor-kandidat
Sist oppdatert 18.12.2023